The Rich Man vs The Fool.
Money Principals Every Christian Must Learn.
Luke 12:13-21
The Parable of the Rich Fool.
1 Timothy explained.
1 Timothy Chapter 6:11-20 we learn how Paul instructs Timothy on the principles of the Kingdom.
We need to hope in God and not in our money.
We need not no be proud, so that we overcome the things of this world.
Judas Valued Money More Than Jesus.
Judas returned the money, but it was already too late.
Jesus had been delivered to the Romans and was about to be condemned to death.
Isaiah 55 explained.
Isaiah 5:1-13
This prophecy of Isaiah is a truly important.
God reminds every one that thirsteth, that they shall come to the waters, and if they have no money shall come and eat and drink milk without money.
God also reminds us that we sometimes spend money for that which is not bread and we need to eat good and let our soul delight itself in fatness.
We need to acknowledge God's ways in all aspects of our lives and understand that God's thoughts are higher than ours.
Isaiah 56 explained.
Isaiah 56:10-12
This video will clarify how false prophets are people who can never have enough money.
They are like greedy dogs who just love to slumber.
They're all ignorant and always looking for their own gain.
God is very clear about intentionally misinterpreting the scriptures for own gain and profit.
Especially in the last days, we need to be very cautious and do not simply listen to those who want to profit at the expense of believers.
James 5:1-8
In this 5th chapter James speaks against some of rich and the wealthy.
Only about the ones who do not prioritize the Lord but rather exploit the poor and cheating others.
Their wealth will be brought to pieces on the day of judgement, in the last days.
The Lord will bring justice to the poor and punishment for those rich individuals.
These people murder the righteous ones, the ones who will be in the Kingdom of God.
Many have interpreted the story of Lazarus and the rich man using the wrong methodology.
In this video, we will discover important details concerning this story told in the gospel of Luke.
We will help you discover the meaning of certain details which are inadvertently hidden from all regular interpretations.
Translation is indeed important and even more important when it comes to translating the bible from its original source.
An explanation of Matthew chapter 19.
Jesus explains how difficult it is for people to leave their wealth and riches in order to follow Him.
Therefore, he explains and clarifies that whosoever forsakes his families, children, parents, possessions, lands and else for His name's sake, they will surely receive a hundredfold in the Kingdom of heaven.
Investing is a good thing but do you know why that is?
Many of us invest for security. Others invest with the hopes of retiring early.
And some of us invest with the expectation that we’ll become rich.
But investing isn’t about any of that.
It’s about wisdom. Investing is about being prepared.
Being diligent. Providing enough. “Enough” is to fully meet demands, needs, or expectations.
To be sufficient or satisfactory. Satisfied, not full.
“Rich,” on the other hand, means to have abundance in possessions.
To have plenty. When you look at the main pitch by the investing world, you’ll see the focal point of its message is wealth.
our goal with investing is not to get rich one day. Our goal is just to be wise and be prepared.
It’s difficult to not make that the key to investing. None of us has a desire to live in poverty.
Our fear of not having enough, or not having that sense of security can be overwhelming.
But did you know that our God provides? (1 Timothy 6:17)
Did you know that our God secures?
In Matthew 6:25-30, Jesus tells his disciples not to worry about how they will find clothes, how they will eat, or even where they will sleep.
Because the Lord provided even the creations of the earth, the birds and the trees.
So, how would He not provide for us?