100 Old Testament Events Every Christian Should Know
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100 Old Testament Events
Event 1 Creation of all things (Gen. 1)
Event 2 Institution of marriage (Gen. 2:18–25)
Event 3 Fall of man and promise of a redeemer (Gen. 2:15–17; 3:1–24)
Event 4 Murder of Abel and birth of Seth (Gen. 4:1–25)
Event 5 Removal of Enoch to heaven without dying (Gen. 5:18–24)
Event 6 Protection of Noah, his family, and selected animals during the Great Flood (Gen. 6–8)
Event7 Giving of the rainbow covenant (Gen. 9:1, 11–13)
Event 8 Tower of Babel judgment (Gen. 11:1–9)
Event 9 Conversion, call, and commission of Abraham (Gen. 12:1–3)
Event 10 Meeting between Abraham and Melchizedek (Gen. 14:18–20)
Event 11 Confirmation of the Abrahamic Covenant (Gen. 15:1–9)
Event 12 Birth of Ishmael (Gen. 16)
Event 13 Institution of circumcision and changing of Abram’s and Sarai’s names (Gen. 17)
Event 14 Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah (Gen. 19)
Event 15 Birth of Isaac (Gen. 21:1–7)
Event 16 Offering up of Isaac (Gen. 22:1–14)
Event 17 Marriage of Isaac and Rebekah (Gen. 24)
Event 18 Birth of Esau and Jacob (Gen. 25:21–26)
Event 19 Transfer of birthright and blessing from Esau to Jacob (Gen. 27:6–16)
Event 20 Flight of Jacob and his marriages to Leah and Rachel (Gen. 28:10–29:28)
Event 21 Wrestling match between Jacob and a “Man” (Gen. 32:6–32)
Event 22 Selling of Joseph in slavery and his rule in Egypt (Gen. 37:3–28; 41:1–44)
Event 23 Joseph reveals himself to his brothers and Jacob’s family moves to Egypt (Gen. 45:1–11; 46:1–7)
Event 24 The dying Jacob blesses his 12 sons in Egypt (Gen. 49:1–28)
Event 25 The sufferings of Job and the sovereignty of God (Job 1:1–2:7; 42:10–12)
Event 26 Slavery of the Israelites in Egypt (Ex. 1:8–14)
Event 27 Rescue of the baby Moses from the Nile (Ex. 2:1–10)
Event 28 Call of Moses at the burning bush (Ex. 3:1–10)
Event 29 The ten plagues and the first Passover (Ex. 7:14–13:16)
Event 30 The Red Sea crossing (Ex. 14:16–30)
Event 31 Giving of manna (Ex. 16:14–18, 31, 35)
Event 32 Institution of the Sabbath (Ex. 16:25–30; 31:14–17)
Event 33 Moses strikes the rock at Rephidim and prays for Israel (Ex. 17:1–14)
Event 34 The Ten Commandments given at Mt. Sinai (Ex. 20:3–17; 34:29–32)
Event 35 Worship of the golden calf at Sinai (Ex. 32:1–6)
Event 36 Moses intercedes for Israel and view’s God’s glory (Ex. 32:30–32; 33:18–23)
Event 37 Building of the tabernacle and anointing Aaron as the first high priest (Ex. 25:1–9; 29:4–9)
Event 38 Giving of the Levitical feasts and ordinance of the red heifer (Lev. 23:4–27; Num. 19:2–9
Event 39 Miriam’s leprosy (Num. 12:1–13)
Event 40 The unfavorable report from the spies (Num. 13:1–14:10)
Event 41 Korah’s rebellion and Aaron’s rod that budded (Num. 16:1–33; 17:6–8)
Event 42 Moses’ sin and Aaron’s death (Num. 20:7–29)
Event 43 People are healed by looking at the serpent of brass (Num. 21:5–9)
Event 44 Balaam’s futile attempts to curse Israel (Num. 22:26; 23:8–23; 24:2–17)
Event 45 Repeating of God’s law to Israel’s next generation (Deut. 1:3; 6:1–5)
Event 46 Completion of the Pentateuch (Deut. 31:9, 24–26)
Event 47 Transfer of leadership from Moses to Joshua (Deut. 31:7–14; 34:9)
Event 48 Moses blesses the 12 tribes, views the Promised Land, and dies (Deut. 33:1–34:12)
Event 49 Jordan River crossing and fall of Jericho (Josh. 1–3; 6:2–20)
Event 50 Setting up of the tabernacle at Shiloh and the division of the land (Josh. 18:1–10)
Event 51 Final words of Joshua to Israel (Josh. 23:1–11; 24:14–15)
Event 52 Four key judges: Deborah/Barak, Gideon, Jephthah, and Samson (Judg. 4;6–8; 11; 13–16)
Event 53 The marriage of Boaz and Ruth (Ruth 4:13–17)Event
54 Prayer of Hannah. Birth, call, and ministry of Samuel (1 Sam. 1:11–28; 3:1–20)
Event 55 Anointing of Saul as Israel’s first king (1 Sam. 8:4–9:17; 10:1)
Event 56 Rejection of Saul and the anointing of David as king (1 Sam. 13:13–14; 15:22–23; 16:1–14)
Event 57 David’s victory over Goliath (1 Sam. 17:4–49)
Event 58 Saul’s persecution of David and David’s kindness to Saul (1 Sam. 18:10–12; 24:1–12; 26:5–18)
Event 59 Saul’s visit to the witch of Endor and subsequent death on the battlefield (1 Sam. 28:7–16; 31:1–6)
Event 60 David’s kingship over all Israel (2 Sam. 2:4; 5:1–5)
Event 61 David captures Jerusalem from the Jebusites and recovers the ark of the covenant (2 Sam. 5–6)
Event 62 Giving of the Davidic Covenant (2 Sam. 7:1–16)
Event 63 David’s sins of adultery and murder (2 Sam. 11:2–5, 14–15)
Event 64 Punishment of David. Birth of Solomon (2 Sam. 12:7–25)
Event 65 Rebellion of David’s son Absalom (2 Sam. 15:1–6)
Event 66 David’s sin in numbering the people (1 Chron. 21:1–27)
Event 67 Solomon’s request for wisdom (1 Kings 3:5–10)
Event 68 Completion of Israel’s first temple (1 Kings 6:1, 38; 8:1, 6)
Event 69 Queen of Sheba’s Visit with King Solomon (1 Kings 10:1–7)
Event 70 Solomon’s many wives, his idolatry, and God’s anger against him (1 Kings 11:1–13)
Event 71 The United Kingdom divides (1 Kings 12:1–20)
Event 72 Elijah raises the widow of Zarephath’s dead son (1 Kings 17:1–24)
Event 73 Elijah’s confrontation on Mt. Carmel (1 Kings 18:20–40)
Event 74 Elijah is carried to heaven in a chariot of fire (2 Kings 2:1–11)
Event 75 The healing of Namaan (2 Kings 5:1–3, 9–14)
Event 76 Deliverance of starving Samaria (2 Kings 6:24–29; 7:1–16)
Event 77 Jehoshaphat’s prayer for deliverance (2 Chron. 20:1–17)
Event 78 Isaiah’s vision of God’s glory (Isa. 6:1–8)
Event 79 The divine sign refused by Ahaz (Isa. 7:1–14)
Event 80 The protection of Joash from Athaliah’s bloody slaughter of the royal family (2 Kings 11:1–16)
Event 68 Completion of Israel’s first temple (1 Kings 6:1, 38; 8:1, 6)
Event 69 Queen of Sheba’s Visit with King Solomon (1 Kings 10:1–7)
Event 70 Solomon’s many wives, his idolatry, and God’s anger against him (1 Kings 11:1–13)
Event 71 The United Kingdom divides (1 Kings 12:1–20)
Event 72 Elijah raises the widow of Zarephath’s dead son (1 Kings 17:1–24)
Event 73 Elijah’s confrontation on Mt. Carmel (1 Kings 18:20–40)
Event 74 Elijah is carried to heaven in a chariot of fire (2 Kings 2:1–11)
Event 75 The healing of Namaan (2 Kings 5:1–3, 9–14)
Event 76 Deliverance of starving Samaria (2 Kings 6:24–29; 7:1–16)
Event 77 Jehoshaphat’s prayer for deliverance (2 Chron. 20:1–17)
Event 78 Isaiah’s vision of God’s glory (Isa. 6:1–8)
Event 79 The divine sign refused by Ahaz (Isa. 7:1–14)
Event 80 The protection of Joash from Athaliah’s bloody slaughter of the royal family (2 Kings 11:1–16)
Event 81 The stoning of Zechariah, Judah’s godly high priest (2 Chron. 24:15–22)
Event 82 Jonah and the great revival and repentance in the city of Nineveh (Jonah 3:1–10)
Event 83 The extension of Hezekiah’s life (2 Kings 20:1–11)
Event 84 Conversion of wicked King Manasseh (2 Chron. 33:1–16)
Event 85 Assyrian captivity of the ten northern tribes (2 Kings 18:9–12)
Event 86 The deliverance of Jerusalem from the Assyrians (Isa. 37:33–36)
Event 87 Discovering the law of Moses in Josiah’s reign (2 Kings 22:1–11; 23:1–3)
Event 88 Call of Jeremiah and the burning of his scroll (Jer. 1:4–10; 36:1–32)
Event 89 Prophecy of the new covenant when God will forgive his people (Jer. 31:31–34)
Event 90 Call of Ezekiel and the departure of the glory cloud (Ezek. 1:3–28; 3:16–17; 10:3–4, 18; 11:22–23)
Event 91 Destruction of Jerusalem, the first temple and the Babylonian captivity (2 Chron. 36:14–21)
Event 92 Interpretation of Nebuchadnezzar’s dream by Daniel (Dan. 2:27–45)
Event 93 Divine protection of three Hebrew men in a furnace of fire (Dan. 3:23–28)
Event 94 Interpreting by Daniel of the handwriting on the wall (Dan. 5:1–28)
Event 95 Divine protection of Daniel in a den of lions (Dan. 6:16–23)
Event 96 The return decree of King Cyrus (2 Chron. 36:22–23; Ezra 1:5; 2:64)
Event 97 Completion of the second temple (Ezra 3:10–13; 6:14–15)
Event 98 Revivals under Ezra and Nehemiah (Ezra 9:1–6; 10:1–5; Neh. 8:1–12)
Event 99 Deliverance of the Jews from their enemies in Esther’s time (Est. 8:7–11; 9:1–5)
Event 100 Rebuilding of the Jerusalem walls (Neh. 2:5–18; 6:15)